Monday, August 9, 2010

Weiss Survive R 9 out!

Well, Shin was suppose to be next but we seem to be a roll a little bit with Weiss. lol So here's episode 9. Trying to get a couple more TLCs on the rest of our scripts so we can get them out faster to you guys. Still looking for a ts raw for 12 of Weiss so if you have it, please contact me. Grab off bot at Wasurenai as always if want.

Weiss R 9 H264

Weiss R 9 XviD

DDL H264



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I've got [Leopard-Raws] Weiss Survive R - 12 END (TBS DivX6.​8.​5 704x396) but its really not good quality

  3. it the ts raw for Weiss R 12? or Leopard-Raw? Cause I have that one already. ^^

  4. Leopard... Okay :) BTW, delete my comment up there, I´ve posted there my mail adress, and I don´t want any spam there :D
